Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Vegetable CSA 6/16/2010

Swiss Chard

In the box this week:
Swiss chard ("rainbow" stems)
collard greens
mustard greens (ruffled leaves)
garlic scapes
green onions
fresh lavender

Recipe ideas?
I make a savory pastry filling with the Swiss chard. Steam them until softened, add feta cheese and layer the chard/feta mixture between layers of filo dough (brush each layer with oil or butter). Bake until lightly brown.

The scapes have such a short season but you can freeze this pesto: or add them to soup, stir frys, or throw them on the grill.

Here's a link for lavender recipes:

Farm report: yes, nearly another inch of rain overnight. I'm waaay behind in planting some crops and the tomato/eggplant/pepper transplants are waiting for their feet to dry to continue to grow. I've had some asparagus bean losses as I put them in low ground but I think enough survived for future CSA deliveries.

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