Friday, May 28, 2010

Vegetable CSA 5/27/2010

OK, so we went from 40 degrees to 90+? My garden doesn't know how to respond!

This is the final Thursday delivery and we switch to Wednesdays in June and through the rest of the season. I'll be at the Empty Bottle Farmers Market, 1035 N. Western, from 3-8pm - the reason for this week's switch.

In the box this week, some repeats:
green onions
green garlic
Swiss chard
mustard greens

and if the rain holds off in the morning: more mint and some lemon balm.

June and early July are the most difficult CSA boxes to fill (erratic weather and all these items need to be rinsed in cold water and banded or packaged - adding more time to the harvest). If there's a slow week or two please hold on, I will be making up for it at a later date. In our climate the peak growing seasons are August-October but some of these early veggies won't return once the hot weather hits (asparagus!). Part of the fun of a CSA is not knowing what exactly to expect, trying something new (hopefully), and enjoying the taste of freshly-harvested seasonal food!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Vegetable CSA 5/20/2010

In the box:
broccoli raab (rapini)
green onions
green garlic
1/2 dozen eggs! My brother's got a few hens and I though they'd be a nice addition to this week's box. The hens are "free range" and that includes the roosters, too. The eggs will be fertilized, which you may not have seen in store-bought eggs.

I also supplemented with some asparagus from Falak Farms.

There's been a lot of frost damage in the area and the asparagus crop has been hit. My own garden is suffering from too much rain and I've lost about 80% of the radishes I planted (bugs also come out in wet weather). The groundhogs are another problem and keeping them from the Swiss chard and peas is almost impossible!